Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston

November 9, 2023
OCB is proud to announce that

Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston (OCB) began in 1969 using the primary objective of supplying patients with eye care, laser and surgical procedure from the greatest quality. The practice is continuing to grow in the original 3 founding people, to 30 Eye specialists practicing, covering all the areas with advanced diagnostic equipment and trained clinical staff. Our eye specialists take care of over 165Thousand patients from across Colonial and round the world with all of groups of eye disorders and visual system illnesses.

  • Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston - OCB Beverly...

    OCB Beverly @ the Cummings Center has gone to live in OCB North Shoreline in Danvers Welcom g ew Patients 978-524 Welcoming New Patients 978-524-0050 Tina Cleary, MD Macular, Retina &lifier Diabetes Mark Hatton...

  • OCB Beverly @ the Cummings Center has gone to live in OCB North Shoreline in Danvers Welcom g ew Patients 978-524 Welcoming New Patients 978-524-0050 n nts B es OCcom el W Tina Cleary, MD Macular, Retina &lifier...
See also:
Source: northbostondirectory.wickedlocal.com
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